Since the beginning of the year, 546 million hryvnias have been directed under the program to reduce the price of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production.
Posted on September 16, 2021, 2:47 p.m
State support
Since the beginning of the year, 546 million hryvnias have been allocated under the program to reduce the price of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production. The funds are directed within the framework of the budget program "Financial support of agricultural producers" under the direction "Partial compensation of the cost of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production".
For example, in July, 356.6 million hryvnias were directed to agricultural producers who purchased machinery and equipment of domestic production. Funds were received by 2,648 farmers who purchased 16,754 units of machinery and equipment for the total amount of 1,427.9 million hryvnias.
A total of UAH 546 million has been directed since the beginning of the year, which is 55% of the total amount of support.
We would like to remind you that in Ukraine there is a government program to reduce the price of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production in 2021.
The recipients of budget funds are legal entities and natural persons - entrepreneurs, whose main activity is the supply of agricultural goods (as defined in clause 2.15 of Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine "On State Support of the Agriculture of Ukraine"), produced by them on their own or leased fixed assets, provided that the specific weight of the value of such agricultural goods is not less than 75 percent of the value of all goods supplied by such legal entities and natural persons during the previous 12 consecutive reporting tax periods in aggregate, and newly established agricultural producers who have been in business for less than 12 calendar months - according to the results of each separate reporting period period.
The amount of compensation is 25 percent of the cost (excluding value added tax) for purchased machinery and equipment, which at the time of making payment for their purchase through an authorized bank, were included in the list posted on the official website of the Ministry of Economy.
Budgetary funds are directed to providing agricultural producers with domestic machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex by providing partial compensation for the cost of machinery and equipment purchased from domestic producers and/or their dealers.