Since its formation in 1967, the Dnipropolimermash PJSC heavy machine-building plant has gone through a complex path of organizational and structural transformations, during which its modern technical and production base was formed. a manufacturer of molds for the vulcanization of pneumatic and massive tires, tubes, rim tapes and diaphragms. This product is used in all tire factories of the CIS countries, which accounts for about 90% of their needs. Currently, the range of tire sizes for which press molds are made is very significant: from a tire size 9L12 of a farmer's mini-motoblock to a tire size 40.00-57 of a quarry dump truck with a carrying capacity of 180 tons.
Today, PrJSC Dnipropolimermash invests huge sums in the modernization of equipment, the technical equipment of workshops, production technologies is improved, and the reconstruction of administrative buildings and workshops is underway.
The plant produces equipment for the metallurgical, mining and processing industries. Mastered production and production of spare parts, units, details and aggregates for oil and gas production, mining, mining and beneficiation, metallurgy and other branches of industry and ton industry. It should be noted the production of spare parts for equipment for cement plants.
The enterprise masters the production of agricultural machinery and welded metal structures. It is planned to create a complex line for surface preparation (blasting), cutting, straightening, assembly and welding of metal structures, further cleaning, painting and drying.
Dnipropolimermash is an enterprise that has not only unique personnel, but also flexible production technology, which allows to quickly respond to the changing needs of the market and to modernize the manufactured products in the shortest possible time. Qualified employees are ready in the shortest possible time to design, develop and manufacture any non-standard equipment, machine assemblies, aggregates and parts or manufacture products according to the customer's drawings with KMD development.
More than 40 years of technological experience in the production of molds with a diameter of up to 4500 mm characterizes the company's capabilities in processing large-sized parts of complex shape and high precision.
The enterprise has at its disposal more than 70,000 m2 of production space, equipped with all types of metalworking equipment according to technological reassignments, including unique machines with numerical software control for drawing processing. The company's specialists develop the most complex control programs, including for simultaneous 5-axis processing.
Year of establishment
Completed projects
Reward received
We will be happy to answer all your questions by phone +38 (056) 732 31 00. Or just fill out the form below:
Ave. Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, 147, Dnipro
49033, Ukraine
phone: +380 (56) 7323100, +380 (56) 7323102
e-mail: dzpm@dzpm.dp.ua
Metallurgical, crushing and grinding and non-standard equipment, molds, drilling equipment
phone: + 38 (056) 732-31-35
phone: + 38 (056) 732-31-70
Agricultural machinery
phone: + 38 (056) 732-31-96
mob phone: + 38 (067) 635-25-53
Procurement department
phone: + 38 (056) 732-31-16
phone: + 38 (056) 732-31-90
Human Resources Department
phone: + 38 (056) 732-31-80